Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Whitlark Auditors

January 2005 was a fresh start for D411. The Regional Manager has negotiated the Whitlarks to take over the D411. But prior to accepting the position, Ron made some conditions to the Regional Manager about bringing in his wife to work with him, despite the fact that it is against the policy of RGIS to have husband and wife who are both in management positions, to work on the same District. RM couldn't do but to agree to Ron's request.

My observation was that the Whitlarks are actually a family of Auditors. Ron have been an RGIS auditor since his teenage years and he is now in his 50's! And he climbed the ladder of success until he finally became the District Manager of D411. And not only that, he will be the future Regional Manager pretty soon! His wife had been an Area Manager from D411 and then moved to another District, and finally back again to D411.

Most, if not all their children (most of them have their own family now) were RGIS auditors of D411! My initial impression was that this family is cool. I've met almost all of them and they seemed very cordial and people-oriented. Nice family indeed.

There is indeed very big difference between how Ron manage his District and treat his employees if I have to compare with Mr. SBT, the former DM. And I will tell you why.

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