Friday, March 05, 2010

RGIS is losing in the inventory market?

In a very competitive and tight market, one of the ways to determine a company's survivability and overall rate in a niche market is to analyze how it fares well with other niches. And we can determine this thru metric indicators. Metric indicators may mean anything related to analytics, internet rankings, website traffic, and overall value of the company.

In other words, how does RGIS stacks up with other inventory companies?

So, how is this important? How does website ranking and traffic affect my employment with RGIS? Simple. It indicates whether or not the company is losing significant market share, if there is a decline in popularity. It tells the the RGIS employee if the company is on the verge of losing potential revenue, it tells us which of these inventory providers probabilistically has better employability, and it tells us if its time to jump to other bandwagons.

In order to do this, I used, a powerful tool use to rank web site traffic, analytics, rankings, and revenues. I also used for a more credible, and generate second opinion data as well. Data being generated with these tools are current as of January 2010.

OK, lets see how RGIS competes with another provider: WIS International.

Unique Visitors........................... 23,620 (-35.73%)
Overall Visits............................ 37,251 (-17.64%)
Compete Rank.............................. 74,466 (-24559)
Revenues.................................. $1.2 Billion
Employees................................. 41,000 from 45,000

WIS Intl
Unique Visitors.............................54,605 (+35.41%)
Overall Visits..............................359,615 (+65.01%)
Compete Rank................................34,960 (+10,807)
Revenues.................................... $343.9 Million
Employees................................... 11,000 from 9,000


As far as Revenues and Employees, WIS is trailing behind. If WIS would have the same number of employees, it would have made a similar revenue as that of RGIS. That is as far as revenue:employees ratio is concerned. One more thing: WIS increases employment by 2,000 while RGIS looses employees by 4,000.

Under Unique Visitors, RGIS has dramatically dropped to -35.73% while WIS has significantly increased its unique visitors to a whopping +35.41%. RGIS also has decreased with the overall visits of -17.64% while WIS has gaining +65.01% visits. How about popularity or ranking? Well, WIS now ranked #34,960 from #45,767, while RGIS is trailing behind at 74,466 from #49,907.

So with these data we have, What's going on with RGIS? It appears that it is eating the dust of the competition. Will these data affect its title as the World's Largest Inventory Service? Is it time to jump to other bandwagons? Are you going to stick with the company? If these data will continue to appear without much change until the second quarter of this year, it will create various ramifications detrimental to the overall competitive edge of the company.

So what do you think, does RGIS has losing its ground in the inventory market?


  1. well, you can always "test cruise" the other sailboats but be sure not to lose connection with your mother ship :)

  2. pensacola ladyMarch 16, 2010

    My first time here. Your blog has some good stuff to discuss. I like your featured video. It's cool.

  3. bad counter745March 21, 2010

    I am not surprised at all. In my District here in California, some of our best counters are gone for other jobs. I don't get that much stores anymore either.

    The nation's economy may be partly responsible :)

  4. I'm recently retired from RGIS, thanks to my generous earned 2009 store bonus' of $3.51. This was the exact amount that I needed to buy that condo in Boca.
    Now, I can work for RGIS part time.

  5. wow. rgis is losing and wis is gaining some momentum. it looks like the issue with rgis is more on internal as opposed to external. if the issues are external, in this case i mean the economic situation at large, then how come the other inventory services are enjoying a comfortable lead? again, that is just my personal opinion.

  6. They have lost national accounts.
    When is the last time you have done New York & Company (the old Learners) that RGIS did for over 20 years?

  7. detroit expertApril 15, 2010

    A friend of mine from Detroit said that RGIS HQ has laid off 35 more employees just last month. And some of them are due for retirement next year. It could be a "forced" retirement with full lumpsum benefits.

  8. AnonymousJune 14, 2010

    Once again, leaving the facts out. Yes, RGIS has less employees, but you dont need as many employees when you change how you do business and become more productive. RGIS had the best year in existence last year, in the midst of a bad economy. Yes, we had many companies reduce their overall number of inventories and some stopped doing business with any inventory company, but we took the challenge head on and recreated ourselves.

    Better hiring practices so we dont hire people that can only breath on glass. How many of you can honestly say that in years past you didnt meet at least 10-20 people in your own district that you shook your head at saying to yourself "OMG these people are idiots". These people should mostly be gone by now. With P4P, the strong survive and the weak go away.

    We let people go, there were forced retirements, middle management felt a huge reduction. All these things are necessary to maintain a business in these times. We created a fast train moving at a high rate of speed. If you didnt want to go the direction the train was heading then you got off and went your own way or were tossed off to make room for those that see the light ahead.

  9. Yes RGIS did have a great year in 2009. Numbers of people dropped due to new RM1 which increased productivity. RGIS has reduced its work force and are working their managers to death. I left this year due to never getting any time off. The new owners can shove their Blackberry's where the sun doesn't shine. Management are constantly on these things 7 days a week and even on their vacations. Management and hourly will be leaving in droves once the economy turns around. They will not have anyone to take the place of the experienced managers they have now. Long time managers have been demoted, burned out or have just plain quit. I will enjoy watching them go down in flames.

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  11. Working at RGIS, you have to literally breath RGIS with hardly ever a break. How is that allowed?

  12. RGIS has become a racist company. A Walmart sore just had it's inventory today, and of approximately 50 employees ONE was white. Also, they were foul-mouthed on the sales floor and several had extremely bad attitude problems when dealing with Walmart associates. I highly doubt their counts were accurate. I would never suggest using them.

  13. I worked there for 9 years. My eyes saw stuff, I shouldnt have seen, Ive heard stuff that I shouldnt had heard on a work place. My nickname from one of my supervisor was an old saying that would mean prostitute. Supervisors arent protecting us from harassement, they just warn with a slap on the hand even if its been a couple of times it happenned. For example, one of my old friend got in the middle of a strife about drugs and alchool and he got almost bashed at the hotel, he had to run away in the middle of the night to a nearest store that was still open since it was the middle of the night. They guy that made those threats are one of the favorite in that place, he gets all special treatment and is barely working except for long outside of town contract (he was working only 4 month a year while we were understaff and working weird hours like ending at 1am and going back to work a 4am, wich is nuts). Ive heard orgies while sleeping at the hotel, they all slept together at one time or another, it was sooooo confusing, a week there would be a new couple and the next they changed mates. Drug exchange during a walmart, threats a lot of them. WAY TOO MUCH USELESS DRAMA Skipping our lunch break, than add a 30mins pay so it could look legal. Letting some drivers driving with people while high as a kite. There is no respect, they are all after being no1, so there is a lot of lick*ss around and no loyalty to your fellow coworkers, some tries to make hell for some so they can leave and there could be less competition to be no1. They keep the violent one around just because they work well. There is a lot of favoritism, you can be cutted down from inventories just because some dont like you. Its a kindergarden job. Sometimes I had to resolve jigsaw puzzle by trying to make everyone happy with who is driving with who, or who was with who in wich van. Stupid. Not worth the pay, not worth the travel, not worth the hassle. I left because it was too chaos and I couldnt put up with it anymore. Toxic environment as hell. Its like highschool. They fight over to who get the walkie talkie or a simply usb stick to transfer data. Its ridiculous. Been few years now, I miss some peeps from there, but not enough to go back there even if I was in a bad spot.

    1. I feel the very same way as you about my time at RGIS. Lots of cherry picking and favoritism. Glad you got out.

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