Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It Pays to Love on Valentines Day

Image from Simon Howden/

2011 Valentines Holiday Spending Expects to Reach $15.7Billion.

The retail industry measures your appreciation for Valentine's Day by the amount you spend for that day. According to NRF, The average person will spend $116.21 for a Valentine's Day gift this year compared to $103.00 over last year. That is up by 11%.

Men will spend more than twice as much ($158.17) as the average woman ($75.79). Spending varies. Consumers will shell out around $3.5 billion on jewelry, $1.6 billion on clothing, $3.4 on dining out, $1.7 billion on flowers and the difference will be spent either for greeting cards and confectioneries such as cakes and candies.

Chart: Valentine's Day Spending on Significant Other 2011_small

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I am curious, so if men will spend more than twice as much than women, does that mean that men have more money to spend or at least get better pay than women? In the contrary, statistics say that, young women's pay exceeds its male counterpart since 2008.

But if you look at the biological and sociological perspectives, men are more statistically the aggressive and the controlling type of the homo sapiens species, and take more risks and is being demonstrated by way of spending when getting into the love thing. I don't know if that goes the same outside of love. But one thing I am pretty sure of: Love is in the air.

Read a full detail of the survey.

About the Survey

The NRF 2011 Valentine's Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted for NRF by BIGresearch, was designed to gauge consumer behavior and shopping trends related to Valentine's Day. The poll of 8,913 consumers was conducted from January 4-11, 2011. The consumer poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.0 percent.

All other information herein are of the author.

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