Saturday, April 23, 2011

Active Shooting Incidence: The Retail Perspective

Active Shooter Protocol by Personal Defense Network

A man enters your late night store. In an instant and unprovoked situation, he becomes violent, brought out his handgun and opens fire. People in the store began to scream. What would you do?

 Whether you are in a retail store, inside a mall, or simply buying your beer from your favorite late-night local convenient store, the risk of encountering an active shooter can happen and even riskier when your city has a relatively higher crime rate (check your city here for Crime Rate Rankings).

For  24-hour convenient stores, many of us believe that they are called that way because, as their names imply, the most convenient and vulnerable for robbery, violence, or active shooting incidence. Many small time retail owners despite the spate of these incidences are lenient in providing adequate active shooter emergency training for their employees.

Most of them rely on 911 when the incident happens. But 911 is only as good when you have the opportunity to call, and how the police will quickly respond to the situation. But what if they couldn't call 911 emergency given the nature of the incident? As a retail owner or late-night employee, would you be ready?
Download a copy of "Active Shooter" booklet
Here, I am not talking about the Second Amendment, nor the latest Supreme Court's big ruling for gun rights although these topics are excellent and deserve their own posts. I brought up this topic because recently, the Department of Homeland and Security (US DHS) has added "Active Shooter Online Training Program" and the National Retail Federation (NRF) has updated its Emergency Response Guide for Retailers due to spate of active shooting recently in retail stores.

Retail employers and employees can help prevent and prepare for potential active shooter situations. Adequate training is an integral part in properly responding to an active shooting situation. Many employers hire professional services for active shooting training and emergency response. But you don't have to. There are free government-approved online training and printed publications that can be utilized for this purpose.

Free Training and Free Downloads

You will need a PDF reader to download these documents

Be safe. Life is good.

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   The Retail Manager's Guide to Crime and Loss Prevention: Protecting Your Business from Theft, Fraud, and Violence Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, Fourth Edition Home Security Systems - Affordable Protection Stopping Violent Crime: New Directions for Reduction & Prevention [VHS]

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting article. In the first place, some cities have always been traditional centres of commerce, and they also have a high concentration of old money families. But luxury retail coming there in force over the next two years.


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