Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Settlement Delayed, Settlement Denied Part 5: Individual Checks Will be Distributed by July 22, 2011

Image courtesy from Renjith Krishnan/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
New Post as of July 29: Settlement Delayed Part 6: Checks Are Here!

Last Updated June 22, 2011 12:05am PST
Last Updated June 22, 2011  6:00 pm PST
Last Updated June 29, 2011 8:51 pm PST (Author added a countdown clock)

Dear Readers,

We have the latest update of the Settlement Claims as of June 20, 2011.

Finally, after six grueling months of waiting for our individual settlement checks to be released, due to various reasons and delays, there we see a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

I would like to take opportunity to dispel rumors that have been circulating and percolating the blogosphere about the date for the distribution of individual checks to tens of thousands of eligible claimants. Many of us have been advised from other groups, from individuals, from our friends, or even from Rust Consulting associates that individual settlement checks will be distributed this June.

That is incorrect. Distribution of individual checks will likely be on July 22, 2011, according to Court order. Here, I added countdown clock (based on PST US and Canada) for everybody's convenience, until the date when you and I should be expecting a settlement check:

Based on the latest stipulations by the Court, here's the final words from Magistrate Judge Joseph Spero in his Court decision as ordered dated June 20, 2011:

"WHEREAS settlement class members are guaranteed at least $12,599,452.37 of the settlement amount; WHEREAS individual settlement awards will likely be distributed by July 22, 2011;"

That statement alone should clarify the expected date for the distribution of individual checks. But if you look closely how the statement was being worded, you would observe that the court's statement seemed not a rock solid assertion as far as the actual date of distribution is concerned.

Note the phrase from the statement above, "...awards will likely be distributed..." (italics and emphasis mine). A more assertive statement would have been, "...awards will be distributed..." Did you spot the difference?

Now, when you call Rust Consulting, what you hear is nothing but uncertain distribution dates. Their associates would say end of June. Others say first week of July. Truth of the matter is, they have not sent any checks yet. I think it is more realistic to believe and rely on the court's statement about the distribution date and let us stick our hopes to that date... for now. After all, it is the court that controls this settlement. Rust Consulting simply follows a court order. Rust has no legal power to distribute checks outside of an order.

Furthermore, the following are important part of the court order which details the costs, fees, and administrative charges of the settlement. Here's the exact words from Judge Joseph Spero:

"WHEREAS the amount of the settlement fund remaining after deductions for Court-approved attorneys’ fees and costs, service awards, settlement administrator’s charges and costs, and PAGA penalties is $12,995,851.28, as detailed below:"

TOTAL SETTLEMENT AMOUNT:                                        $27,000,000.00

Attorneys’ Fees Awarded                                                             -$11,307,449.62
Costs to Schneider Wallace Cottrell Brayton Konecky LLP           -$  1,598,589.41
Costs to Grady Schneider LLP                                                     -$    217,323.64
Costs to Goldstein Demchak Baller Borgen & Dardarian               -$       24,000.00
Costs to Bailey Pinney & Associates LLC                                    -$     107,427.39
Amount Reserved for Future Attorneys’ Fees                               -$     144,375.57
Twenty $5,000 Service Awards                                                    -$     100,000.00
One $2,500 Service Award                                                           -$         2,500.00
Two $1,000 Service Awards                                                         -$         2,000.00
One $500 Service Award                                                              -$            500.00
Amount Allocated to PAGA                                                         -$      100,000.00
Settlement Administration Costs for Rust Consulting, Inc.             -$      399,983.09

TOTAL REMAINING                                                                $12,995,851.28

From the allocation of settlement above, more than half of the settlement money went to fees and cost alone. There is also a fee being allocated to PAGA (Private Attorney General Act of 2004) amounting to $100,000.00 which has never mentioned previously.

As far as the settlement tax that will be deducted allegedly from the settlement money, the court didn't mention in its stipulation. But I will not be surprised when a deduction will be excised at a later period. I hope it won't.

Another thing that should concern everybody: Remember when you received a letter from Rust Consulting last November 2010 about the Official Court Notice of Settlement where the expected amount you will likely to receive for the settlement was mentioned in that notice? Well, don't be surprised when there will be significant changes in respect to the amount you would receive from the mail. To be honest, I expect some confusion the moment you get your own individual check when comparing it with the original notice. I can almost guarantee that. We are talking about more than 30,000 former and active RGIS employees here hungry for fairness and compensation.  

In his final and concluding statement, Judge Joseph Spero became more revealing about a Reserve Fund being allocated in excess of the $399,983.09 that is already included in Rust Consulting's invoice. The following are his: 

"The Court, having reviewed the parties’ stipulation, and good cause appearing, hereby ORDERS as follows: 

(1) a Reserve Fund in the amount of $150,000.00 will be withheld from the settlement fund for the sole purpose of providing settlement awards to eligible settlement class members who may be inadvertently omitted from the initial settlement fund distribution, and to pay Rust Consulting, Inc. for any related administration charges and/or costs in excess of the $399,983.09 already included in Rust Consulting’s June 15, 2011 invoice; and

(2) any residual monies left in the Reserve Fund 180 days after the initial distribution of the individual settlement awards will be distributed evenly to the cy pres recipients identified in Section 2.12(G) of the Settlement Agreement.


The court has mentioned about "cy pres" recipients. What is it?

The term has been applied in the context of class action settlement specifically in the United States. It allows the court to amend the terms of the trust or settlement fund as closely as possible to the original intention of the settlor to prevent the said trust from failing. This happens when the original objective of the settlor became impossible, or illegal to perform. In short, it is a protection clause that a court can perform favorably both for the recipients (or beneficiaries) and the settlor.

Finally, the rest of the stipulations did not mention how the distribution of the individual checks will be implemented but we TRUST RUST Consulting to perform well as the settlement administrator. 

To Rust Consulting:
You are being paid close to $400 Thousand just to perform this job description. If you can update information on claims for a lawnmower product that you previously administered, which fees were not even close to the amount you get from RGIS Settlement Claims, why can't you update us in a more timely and accurate manner? Give us good reasons this time that you perform well and beyond the plaintiffs' expectations and satisfaction.

Rust Consulting is open to comment and share information pertinent to the case.  

We also hope the court shall stand by its words.


  1. AnonymousJune 21, 2011

    So what you are saying is that there is still a chance that this will be delayed yet again? Reading between the lines has become a specialty of mine since the beginning of this lawsuit. Please just say it how it is, no more 'whereas' and 'in conclusion' 's, just say good luck getting the money, we are going to nickel and dime you to death, it is so ordered.

  2. This piece of update is for informational only. I can only share what the stipulation has actually said. I am not putting words to anybody's mouth. The words quoted in blue text are the exact words from the court.

    As far as the chance of being delayed, it is way beyond anybody's control. It can be attributed by a lot of variables and circumstances. If it is going to be delayed again, then that will be another thing to be settled. But we hope not.

    If you have questions about the case, feel free to contact Rust Consulting or any of the lawyers representing the plaintiff.

    Thank You.

  3. money money moneyJune 22, 2011

    Will likely be distributed? I hope it will be for real this time. Thanks for the info.

  4. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    they had another court date? What is it with these lawyers and Rust consulting.. Why couldn't they just say when we called.. I'm sorry but we have another court date before we can write the checks! Do they not realize we as a whole would react better to the truth so we know what to expect rather than the bs they are putting us through by lying to us. First the Lawyer says Christmas, then its January.. Then its March, Then April and May..and June... Now they tell the court July.. Come on tell us what is going on so we aren't all stewing about being outright lied to and put off.

  5. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    FYI...Rust was paid $400 thousand not $400 million. Also it is typical in the case of lawyers or consulting firms to 'hold' money in order to get the interest involved for themselves. The last time I called Rust they told me to call them back if I had nor received my check BY June 30th!!

  6. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    I called today, they still say that they plan on mailing them out by the end of this month and if I don't receive it by the 1st call them

  7. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    Sorry, but you didn't call them. You are just one of the people on this blog that have nothing to do with this case. You just want to stir the pot a little more.

  8. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    I would rather believe what the court said about the July date instead of Rust Consulting date which is June 30th. It is unlikely that Rust will distribute individual checks without court approval first. It doesn't make sense.

  9. Entry corrected:

    "You are being paid close to $400 Thousand just to perform..."

    instead of,

    "You are being paid close to $400 Million just to perform..."

  10. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

    I did call Rust at this number 1-877-310-2748. Try it.

  11. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

    I also called Rust at 1-877-310-2748 and was told that checks would be mailed some time in June and if not received by July 1 to call back...... this is starting to sound like being work and being told every two hrs.. that we are all most 100% lets pick up the pace..... LMAO

  12. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

    I'm getting totally frustrated with the dates thing. The last Blog posting said "by July 22nd. The above person said that the checks should be received by July 1st. Which is it. I know there are a few like me that need this check to offset for some reason a lack of funds and that we have been patient beyond reason. I have my cell phone disconnected now so getting in contact with Rust is now impossible and that this blog is my communication for updates. Accuracy is a blessing to folks like me. Please post if you have received your check so that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Also post how much of a percentage your payment has been cut.

  13. AnonymousJune 24, 2011

    Rust is telling you "by the end of June", to keep you away a little longer. The judge left it open as to when distribution will be made. He has not compelled Rust to pay, it merely said "likely". That means this will likely go on for quite a while - knowing Rust. So, just sit back and don't enjoy the ride. We are all taking it up the wazu.

  14. We are never going to get any money. If by some chance we do it will only be 25 dollars.

  15. AnonymousJune 27, 2011

    well its June 27th... Nope they haven't been mailed out yet. The rust employee that answered the phone seemed to not have a clue what to say either. She said the plan was for them to go out this month but in her words it's not the 30th yet so call back later in the week to check the status! Seriously? Thats all they can say?

  16. AnonymousJune 27, 2011

    June 27th. I also called and asked about the issue date for the checks...he (the rep) informed me that their intentions were to issue them by the end of June. Although, being the end of the month...stated, it more than likely will be towards the middle of July.

  17. AnonymousJune 27, 2011

    Even if they issue them by the end of the week.. for most of us we wouldn't see it till closer to the second week of july given the distance it has to go.

  18. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Well for some people it will take a few weeks, but for chicago it should take 3 to 5 business days since its coming from minnesota. If there not go ing to send then out by thursday they need to stop telling callers that!!!

  19. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Why are the checks coming from minnesota when they went to court in san francisco? You would think they would employ a company locally to distribute the funds.

  20. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    my original letter stated we would receive our checks no later than 25 days from the closing of the case. Pacer shows that the case was closed on the 31'st of march and the last item signed by Judge Spero was filed april 1'st 2011. So I am confused.

  21. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    3 to 5 Business days to Chicago???? That's if it over a weekend. Should be 2 to 3 and to the west coast larger cities about the same. I lived near Chicago and that's the way it was. Let's hope we get it by Saturday so we can a very nice 4th of July with this behind us. Heck, Friday would be a miracle. We can only pray for anything near that quick.

  22. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Come on people June 30th is the end of the quarter. There holding on to the money til then to collect the quarterly interest. Only makes sence.

  23. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    It being the end of the quarter makes excellent sense! Good call.

  24. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    guys, let us stick with July 22nd as the distribution date. In that way, we will avoid unrealistic expectations on date issues. I would stick what the court had said.

    If checks arrives earlier than the said date, then that's even better. If they arrive on time, then well and good. If they arrive at a later period, then that would be the worst scenario.

  25. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    A first class envelope only takes 3 days to go coast to coast. Unless you live in the middle of a pasture, you'll have it in a couple of days after mailing.

  26. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Why would Rust lie and tell us end of June if it won't be until July 22? Don't they realize the need people have for these checks? Some auditors are so poor they can't afford gas or have broken down cars they need to replace with this money. This is messing with people's lives. I just hope Rust hasn't lied and that the checks will be mailed by June 30 like they promised.

  27. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    They have lied. Haven't you been following this fiasco. Wake up people. This will go on for quite a while yet. The court, the lawyers, and Rust will find ways to delay things further. After all they stand to make more money (using our money) the longer they stretch it out. If you had no morals or no ethics, wouldn't you do the same???

  28. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Friggin Rust Consulting. I got the same messagae the pyments have not yet been calculated and now by the end of July. What a friggin joke, untouchable like a government agency. Someone should yank a knot in those friggin lawyers asses as well. They got their money $10 will get you $20 the lawyers will not even answer ANYONES calls or emails. Typical fatcat screw the little guy as long as I got mine BS. And they wonder why people get more than a little anoyed and do some crazy shit to them.

  29. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Just called Rust. They said they anticipate the checks to be mailed out by the end of July. What a crock.....I also asked them if people that submitted their info first would be first and she said the checks will all be sent out at the same time. Supposedly there is a project coordinator working on all of this...hey buddy get some help and send us our money!!

  30. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    The End of July isnt July 22 I just went on the Justadockets.com where you can see all the court orders and there is one for June 20 and it does stated that the settlements check will most likely be disbruited by July 22 . So I am alittle confuse if it is court order then why is Rust stating the End of July ? Well I guess we are all in just a waiting period to see when actually we should receive something.

  31. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Just talked to Rust. It is true--the mailing date has been moved back to late July, but they don't even stand by that. The guy I talked to said it could even be later!

  32. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    this is pissing me off. i'm 75% sure that i'm going sue these bone heads. maybe i'll change the way they do business in the future...

  33. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    I am so tired of all of this, im probably one of the smart ones who QUIT RGIS to get away from all the drama they cause, and yet even waiting for this of course the people selected to distribute the money are slow and DRAMA too!!

    San diego, CA

  34. AnonymousJune 29, 2011

    Told you. Delay...delay....delay...2012...2015...2017..am I getting warmer? Maybe, maybe not. But, one thing is sure - they getting richer.

  35. Former Team LeaderJune 29, 2011

    To Anonomous who stated: You didn't call them. You are just one of those just trying to stir up trouble... I (and you can quote me) DID CALL THEM AND THEY SAID THEY WERE SENDING OUT THE CHECKS BY THE END OF JUNE AND TO CALL THEM BACK IF I DID NOT RECIEVE IT BY THE FIRST OF JULY!!!!!
    I can asure you I do not lie and I feel YOU are one who needs a reality check! I worked for this A**hole of a company for 2 1/2 YEARS of which 1 year was as a Team Leader. I went without meals and sleep for over 2 days when the 1 inventory turned into 6 and the Area Manager Becky said (and I do quote) "when I eat, you eat until then noone eats and that goes for sleep!
    I have waited far too long and I, too, know full well how Class Action Lawsuits work - I was a part of the Dalcon Shield Class Action Lawsuit and it only took 1/2 as long as this has so far and I got more money out of it by over double. And that was because, not only could I no longer have children thanks to them but I no longer wanted to become pregnant by that time (age 50). So DON'T EVEN TRY BEING AN ALL KNOWING EX-AUDITOR, YOU POMPOUS A**

  36. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    Ok I'm just as irritated over this whole thing as the rest of you. But lets get a few things straight. The money was released to Rust on the 14th of May. The 25 days was apparently not when we get paid but how long RGIS had to hand over the money. The final courtdate hoever was June 20th. Thats when the judge signed the above information that states they anticipate having the money to us by July 22. I for one do not like being lied to. The Lawyers have been pulling this crap since last August. they got all of us Named Plaintiffs on a conference call. We told them we didn't want to settle for less than 40k. At that time they told us we would be getting a nice sum for our efforts and that on top of it the people that lived in three states would get another amount as a fine for not paying the money before we quit. then In September they said we had to sign a form that stated we didn't want more than 5k. When I asked the lawyer he said thats how it worked. I was told that if RGIS settled at that time we would see the money in time for Christmas! Christmas came .. no check and no calls from the lawyers. Then February came with a week of last minute statements needed. It took a week of writing and revising the statement so It would be good enough for the lawyers to look like we were treated well. We were told at that time the money would be sent out in April. I called the Lawyers in May and got sent to a full voice mail. I emailed every address they had used to communicate with me and got a mean reply about how they are not required to keep me updated on the case. They said it was my responsibility to keep myself updated by calling either Rust or the lawyers receptionist. I tried to reply back that neither is giving out any information.. and found all those email addresses were now blocked! Not to sound rotten or anything but in my opinion the named plaintiffs should have been paid at the same time as the lawyers. We shouldn't have to wait for them to calculate everyone else's payments considering we had to sign that form stating how much we were getting.... I don;t think we are included in the rest of the pie. Originally the money wasn't important to me... But as it comes painfully obvious that I have been used.. I want my money and I'm tired of it being postponed!

  37. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I was THE named plaintiff in a Class Action lawsuit that eventually stettled for just over 22 million dollars. The first thing my Attorneys did was to tell me that the only way to make the comany pay, really any company pay and feel it was to take what was most imortant to them. MONEY. That is the only thing that will make them change the way they go to business and treat people take their money. If your Lawyers led you to believe that you could in some way affect a positive change in RGIS with this lawsuit by doing anything other than to take their money, your lawyers were either terribly inexperienced or flat out deceptive. As far as the statement you wrote sounds damn slim shady to me. never heard of that before, why in the world would your lawyer need a statement supporting his "good" treatment of His/Her clients. The Representative Plaintiff fee is always up for negotiations right from the beginning up until the end. Typically Lawyers don't like to ask for a hefty fee for the Rep Plaintiffs because it may look like some sort of payoff for settling the case. Honestly with so many Rep Plaintiffs involved in the case your fee was never going to be very much anyway. If your really feeling uncomfortable with the way your attorneys treated you or continue to treat you, the letter you revised several times I would contact your State Bar Association and ask questions or make a complaint. Anybody look into these Law Firms involved before they were retained? I fully realize that in the heat of the moment, with so much pressure on you and the "scary" time it is when you first make the decision to call a lawyer, reserching an attorney is the last thing on your mind. I was not trying to be critical when I asked if you looked into these lawyers before they were retained

  38. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    every second that clock tick, interest is being taken out of our cut. =D

  39. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    to the person who stated they had done the class action suit before.. answer these questions for us.
    1. Did it take this long after the final courtdate to pay out?

    2. Did the lawyers stop talking to the plaintiffs once the case was finalized before the money was paid out?
    3. How big of a hit in taxes are we looking at?
    and finally....
    4. was it anything like we are dealing with now so we know this is is the normal way of things or not?

  40. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    I wish I could go back and do this again. A group of us in WV got our own lawyer as this lawsuit started up and we decided to opt in....what a mistake. Lie after lie. To bad Rust Consulting isn't close because I would pay them a visit in person.

  41. Still WaitingJune 30, 2011

    I gave 15 years of work to this company and I can't believe after all this time and money spent I'm not going to see much of anything. $14,000,000 spent on "representation"! YAY what am I going to get out of this? I'm guessing $50-$200 while these lawyers get paid way too much to not get the job done.

  42. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    I will tell you what I remember.
    1. Did it take this long. No it did not. I think the perception that it has taken a long time to get the pay out on this is fueled by the confusion of the final "signing" or "approval" of the settlement by the Judge. The judge approved the settlement but because of the inability of the plaintiffs attorneys to properly and adequately document their expenses the "entering" of the settlement, that is filing the lawsuit as "completed" so to speak is ultimately what held up the final payout. It is one thing to say "ok we agree lets get this over with" and it is quite another to be able to say "ok we are done lets pay these boneheads".
    2. Did the lawyers stop talking to us. No never. That is the short and sweet of it. Of course our suit was much different in that the demographics of our suit were much different. We only had 1,100 people involved in our suit and got $22mil. The salary of our "average" plaintiff was around $45k and most of us were still working right up until the end. I can not imagine what it is like to have over 30k people to payout. It must truly be a logistical nightmare to calculate and then cut the checks to pay this out. What I am saying is, yes we all were waiting for our money but for most of us the need was not that critical so the time it took to pay us was not noticed or "dwelt" upon quite as much. It took about 60 days to pay it out.
    3. Taxes. Honestly I do not remember them taking taxes out of our inividual settlement checks. My share of the settlement payment was just over $35k and my Reresentative Plainiff fee was $25k. I do not remember taxes being taken out of either one, of course I could be wrong I am an old fart with a bad memory.
    4. I can only speak to what I have heard on the payout portion of the settlement. But to me it sounds like everything is going according to procedure, like it or not. Rust are in fact pinheads with what seems to be little empathy or understanding for the average "class member". Are they doing anything out of the ordinary or "wrong" I do not believe so. Were your lawyers pinheads for not adequately documenting their cost and expenses, without question, seriously embarassing but overall most likely not all that uncommon for this kind of delay to occurr. Afterall people are human they make mistakes.
    Patience is the order of the day. As difficult as it may seem that is our only real recourse at this point. The money WILL be paid out. I agree with everyone else, I need the money too. I left RGIS in late march and have barely been working, I have bills piling up and a mortgage due a couple of times over now. I know the money is coming not nearly as fast as I would like it too but it will come when it is supposed to and most likely at just the right time, when I need it most.

  43. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    this is my 3rd lawsuits with RGIS and the 1st 2 i was paid out in a decent amount of time but this particular one takes longer. i agree with the last poster, 30+k ppl is alot for one to handle so thats prolly the reason 4 the delay.

  44. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    If Rust was so caring to send us the letters in November, why can't they take the time to notify us individually what is going on. They have addresses and I believe phone numbers too. going to a blog to know what's going on is so unprofessional. They are getting paid to take care of us, not b.s. us.

  45. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    They have had months to calculate the amounts people are owed. This delay is ridiculous. Why were they telling us end of June when they knew it would be end of July?

  46. One of the Named PlaintiffJuly 01, 2011

    That is the irony here. These blog authors who are not even part of the 20 named plaintiffs nor connected to either of the plaintiffs' lawyers, are the the very ones that provide vital information pertinent to the case.

    But these group of people (lawyers, Rust, et al) whom we should rely for new information and updates do nothing but delay the speedy process of the plaintiffs' money. They are cold, vapid, totally lackadaisical bloodsuckers. Forgive my disappointment but my descriptions for them are only appropriate.

  47. AnonymousJuly 02, 2011

    Lies piled upon lies. First they said "end of May". Then "end of June". Now its "end of July". If they were Pinnochio, their nose would be 600 feet long.

  48. AnonymousJuly 02, 2011

    I am in agreement to the fact that the people WE pay should be telling us what is going on, doesn't that come under their Expenses. On the other hand, I for one am so very glad that we have this blog to come to for updates and info, also to just plain get it out (BITCH) Thanks for being there!

  49. AnonymousJuly 02, 2011

    I heard from Rust Consulting that people in Massachusetts are not getting any checks and that Massachusetts is NOT included in this Class Action Suit against RGIS

  50. AnonymousJuly 03, 2011

    Ahhhh f*** of!!! Im so fed up with these bs. Whoever said to be patient and the money will be there, we've been working for this company for so many years and blah blah blah... just shut the hell up. I'd been a succesful AM for quit sometimes (resigned) and yet still have to say... never ever in any other lawsuits took that long to distribute the check. Just some politic BS between judge and the lawyers. WTF is PAGA, out of the blue... they made up some crap into it. Wake up, folks!!! By calling them aint gonna help until we sue them.

  51. AnonymousJuly 04, 2011

    It doesn't matter what state you live in. As long as you did NOT opt out... you're in(Mass.).

  52. AnonymousJuly 05, 2011

    Judge Spero presided over the trial and settlement. Should we all complain to Judge Spero about the delays in getting our settlement checks, if we don't get them at the end of July? Perhaps Judge Spero can order Rust to send out the checks. Maybe someone could provide a mailing or email address for Judge Spero, so we can inform him of these delays.

  53. AnonymousJuly 05, 2011

    For Mass. Please read: "have been employed by RGIS as an auditor, ATL (Assistant Team Leader), Team Leader, AAM (Associate Area Manager) in the following States and dates listed below, then you are a part of the settlement.

    In California between January 1 2005 and September 16, 2010
    In Illinois between January 4, 2004 and September 16, 2010
    In Oregon between September 20, 2000 and September 16, 2010
    In Washington between September 20, 2003 and September 16, 2010

    Note: A receipt of the Official Notice DOES not guarantee your inclusion of the settlement."

  54. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011

    Your missing at the very least 2 states I know of for sure... Texas ( where one of the cases originated) and Arizona. Originally there were three cases... California, Oregon and Washinton was one case. Texas and Arizona was another.. I do not remember the third groups of states except that I know Illinois was included in it. The three cases were merged to make a nationwide case. That is why there are so many sets of lawyers involved. This all happened almost three years ago. The above poster is wrong.

  55. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011

    I just got a settlement check ON TIME from a class action case with Wal*mart (Ballard v. Walmart). The settlement was NOT handled by Rust. That is why it was ON TIME. We all get Rusty waiting for Rust to send us OUR MONEY.

  56. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011

    a question, is Case No.3:06-cv-05778 JCS and Case No. 3:07-cv-00032 JCS the same case and the settlement will be in one check? i've been moving around alot these few yrs and never got the mail.

  57. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011


  58. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011


  59. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011


  60. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011


  61. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011

    people need to spell check b4 they post their comments. lol...nobody going to take anybody serious who's a dummy.

  62. AnonymousJuly 06, 2011


  63. AnonymousJuly 08, 2011

    Who gives a rat's... about spelling and being called a dummy, i just want my money, i am not here to teach english. People let's call the judge who handled this case and wear his number out , this is stupid the lawyers have already been paid and they know the longer they hold our monies the more interest their account will gain. the squeaky wheel gets the grease. and i hope i mis- spelled every word i wrote in my post the anonymous person who said "people need to spell check before posting probably works for Rust and not interested in getting their setlement. WE DO NOT NEED NEGATIVE POSTS LIKE THAT.

  64. AnonymousJuly 08, 2011

    im going to call the judge monday i will post the results of my talk with the judge i will post the number for everyone to call him

  65. AnonymousJuly 08, 2011

    hey everyone here where you can get judge spero or his staff call this number 415 522 2000 its clerks office general number ask to speak to judge spero or his staff and ask what going on with rust and rgis lawsuit monkey and what day we to get a cheek and what day did he order it to be paid out and ask him if they got interest on our money can we get the interest

  66. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    EVERYONE COOL OFF. Maybe we should WAIT until after July 22 to call the judge. His order said "checks will likely be sent by July 22". It is not July 22 yet. Allow one week at least after July 22. Call Rust first. If no answer, then call Judges offices if you want. Also, remember, be polite. No ranting. Blaming the judge will get no where. Asking the judge politely for his help (after late July) might get results. This is a judge and we want him on our side. If we are polite, he will be on our side. If we don't get our check by, say July 28, and Rust has no excuse, then we can call the judge's offices. I would wait until then.

  67. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    I am going to call Judge Spero office monday, I will be polite. He needs to be informed according to dockets.com Rust is not following his order.

  68. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    This is my first post to this blog. I was involved in a class lawsuit REGIS and it was similar to the case we are involved in now. REGIS lawyer's or the accounting firm sent time sheets out to everyone in the suit. REGIS admitted guilt as same as the suit we are in involving RGIS. Why were we not mailed out a time sheet? This tells me
    1.) We will probably never see any money.
    2.) Stop waiting on the mailman.
    3.) If we receive ANY money it will be as
    little as possible.
    4.) Rust will keep making excuses as to why the
    cheks have not been mailed.
    I want to thank the person who posted Judge Spero phone number. I will call Monday and speak to someone in his office and i will convey the message , everytime i call I get the run around.

  69. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    The judge said Rust can send the checks out as late as July 22 ("likely mailed by July 22"), so Rust has not violated the order yet. If you call the judge before the end of July, you'll just get him mad at you. Give Rust another two weeks to mail the checks. If they are not mailed by July 22 and received by July 31, then go ahead and complain to the judge.

  70. AnonymousJuly 09, 2011

    Someone posted an interesting statement about time sheets.I do not understand how payments will be calculated because RGIS is liars This leads me to believe that Rust will pay us as little as possible, and as slow as possible to collect interest for RUST. Any interest accrued should be evenly divided among the victims. When Rust gets off their rusty a**, i bet we will all get $25 each.

  71. AnonymousJuly 10, 2011

    We all have a right to know where Rust has invested OUR funds until it sends out our checks. In an attempt to earn high interest, has it parked OUR money in high risk investments that pay a higher interest rate but also carry a higher risk of loss or default? I just hope Rust hasn't bought defaulting Greek government bonds!

  72. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    The funds are supposed to be in a temporary cd. It's protected. I'm not sure how interest works with that.

  73. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    CDs at a bank are only protected up to the FDIC deposit limit, $100,000. The rest would not be protected by the FDIC insurance. I am watching the stock market today and it is down 200 points because of European debt and bank problems. These problems could spread to American banks, since they have a lot of money in European banks. GIVE US OUR MONEY NOW!!!

  74. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    some one making interest off the money you put money in a cd. to get interest if we dont get our money by the 25 of july then we should all call the judge and ask him whats going on with rust and ask him if thier any interest on our money and ask if he will grant us to have the interest i dont think its right if they got paid and then going to make interest off our money that mean's they get paid 2 times thats not right we suffered for that money working for rgis the interest should be ours

  75. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    I'm more worried that Rust has invested OUR MONEY in an unsafe investment that could collapse if the market crashes. We have a right to know where Rust has put OUR MONEY and why it is not paying us OUR MONEY NOW.

  76. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    Been on hold to talk to Rust for about 40 minutes now. Still on hold. Angry RGIS people who want their checks must be melting Rust's phone system! Anyone get through to Rust today? What are they saying now?

  77. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    Just got through. The guy said the power is off in the call center because of bad weather in the Minneapolis area. He couldn't give any info on when the checks will be mailed since the power was off.

  78. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    I work for rgis I have been following the case since it started. Last update I got was that checks are set to be released on July 22, 2011. So, watch your mail from that day on. I would say 3 to 5 bussiness days to receive.

  79. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    Maybe they'll blame the weather and tell us late August. Delay delay delay.

  80. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011

    Interesting thought.. Where is our money? It makes me more than a little nervous to wonder, after all they got there's. It's our they would lose if something went wrong.

  81. AnonymousJuly 11, 2011


  82. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    i say wait till the 25 of july and if we have not yet got our money then we should call the judge

  83. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    if i dont get my money by the july 25 im calling the judge

  84. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    i concur wit da last 2 post....

  85. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    I do not understand how payments will be calculated. This case is about wages not being paid for working off the clock, the ride time in the van to and from the jobs was suppose to equal our break . i know of 2 people who were not paid for a whole days wage. Why were we not mailed some form of time sheets?

  86. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    has any one call the judge yet

  87. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    rust should post on here when they mail the money out so we know when its in the mail

  88. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    I called Judge Spero office this afternoon i was super nice, i spoke to his clerk and she informed me the judge signed off on the case on 6-20. I told her that Rust keeps giving us the run around . She told me to contact the lawyers. After i hung up from Spero's office i called the attorneys. The attorneys told me it was out of their hands and to contact Rust. We are being made fools , like a dog that is chasing its back around and around. The end of july will come and go and no checks, Rust will say call back on Aug. 14. It is obvious to me that Rust and the attorneys are going to hang on to our little tiny settlements and collect the interest which they will split. They will toast champagne and say WOW
    we are sure having a good time on those idiots money. And if the gov. shuts down aug. 2 we will have no recourse at all. Rust has more excuses than Richard Nixon and watergate.

  89. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    would'nt it be a b**** if we needed an attorney to sue those attorneys and Rust to get our money

  90. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    They supposedly are taking RGIS's word for how many days we worked for the company. They then are paying us basically 30 minutes per each shift. The court tossed out the break violations and travel time sometime during the spring of 2010. So we are only being paid for the 15 minutes before and after each shift. Those who officially left the company that worked in Ca or WA are getting more money than those who are still working for them, due to fines from the states having to do with not paying the wages within a reasonable time after termination. That's why some are only getting paid a few hundred and you see several people posting in the 1-5 thousand range. There were no payroll sheets sent out.

  91. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    you know if i dont get my money by aug 1 im going to call my lawyer and see if thier any thing he can do

  92. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    i think if we keep calling the judge and be nice he will get tired of us calling him and order rust to pay

  93. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    i think we should wait untill the july 28 and if rust say's again 2 more weeks we should all start call the judge the lawyers and our lawyers everyday untill we get our money (pennies) if the lawyers and rust was in the law suit and having financial problems they would be calling everyday and doing what ever it takes

  94. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    I've done enough suffering, so a week more won't kill me. But it's all out nuisance after that.

  95. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease ($$$). Call the judge. Be polite, but inform him that Rust first promised us our checks at the end of June, now end of July. If we get to the end of July and still no check, melt the phones. The judge does have the power to ORDER Rust to pay. He can find them in CONTEMPT OF COURT and ORDER RUST TO PAY US ADDITIONAL MONEY because of their failure to pay on time.

  96. AnonymousJuly 12, 2011

    Maybe if we don't get our checks by the end of July as promised, RGIS auditors who live in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area can protest with picket signs at the Faribault offices of Rust consulting. The picket signs could say "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" and "RUST--WHERE IS OUR MONEY??"

  97. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    Ok....per what was written above, "As far as the settlement tax that will be deducted allegedly from the settlement money, the court didn't mention in its stipulation. But I will not be surprised when a deduction will be excised at a later period. I hope it won't.

    Another thing that should concern everybody: Remember when you received a letter from Rust Consulting last November 2010 about the Official Court Notice of Settlement where the expected amount you will likely to receive for the settlement was mentioned in that notice? Well, don't be surprised when there will be significant changes in respect to the amount you would receive from the mail. To be honest, I expect some confusion the moment you get your own individual check when comparing it with the original notice. I can almost guarantee that. We are talking about more than 30,000 former and active RGIS employees here hungry for fairness and compensation." I hope I don't get less than what I was told I would receive, that's BS!! More monetary compensation sounds more like it. I want to know why we need to pay for this, why not RGIS as part of the settlement.

  98. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    What I want to know is, why didn't RUST send out W4 forms so we could declare our tax situation? Most RGIS auditors are poor, so out tax situation is that very little or even nothing should be taken out of our check for taxes. I hope that 37% will not be taken out as some people said. Of course you get it back as a refund next year when you file taxess, but I don't want to wait a year. Why can't Rust tell us how much in taxes they will withhold? More bungling. Delays and confusion (planned?).

    Most of all, if we don't get our check within a few days of July 22, eveeryone call the judge.

  99. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    call the lawyers melt the the lawyer phones if we keep calling the lawyers

  100. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    people call the lawyers everyday here scheider number 1877 361 25 39 here bailey pinny 1800 882 83 51 here goldstein 510 763 9800

  101. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    here how to get the judge joseph spero 415 522 2000 call him and the lawyers everyday if we dont get our money by the 25 of july

  102. AnonymousJuly 13, 2011

    i wish rust get off thier butts and send us our money dam

  103. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    Called Rust this morning... The gentlemen said the usual crap.. They anticipate sending them by late this month but that its subject to change!.. I'm sorry but while I know its a lot of people to do the math on .. I just can't see why it's taking so long.. It's not like they are doing the math long hand with paper and pencils.. Its all in a computer... And to make my life really irritating I got a postcard in the mail from the bank.. apparently Bank of America settled a class action lawsuit too that Rust is handling so after this one finally pays out I get to look forward to dealing with Rust all over again! grrrrrrrrrr

  104. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    The Rust talking head said it might be August, not July. OK, call the judge and tell him politely how Rust has strung us along and how badly we need our money! They are playing us for fools. The lawyers got their money weeks ago, now Mr. Rusty sits on our money and collects interest!

  105. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    people if you have any lawyers that friends of yours or family memebers that is a lawyer call them and see what they can do im calling my lawyers right now and see what he can do

  106. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    you think rust will be in a hurry to get rgis over so they can move on to their next case

  107. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    people call the better business bur bbb if we dont get out money by the 25 im going to call them if i dont get my money by the 25

  108. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    im going to look up the bbb where rust is and will post the number on here soon better business bru

  109. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    people if we call the judge laywers and bbb every day we will get out money

  110. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    here the number better business bureau in or near the city where rust is in call 651 669 1111 the address is 2706 gannon rd saint paul mn

  111. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    if that bbb not i n the city where rust is just ask for the bbb in minneopolius mn here is rust address 625 marguette avenne suit 880 5502 zip

  112. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    SUPER SMH....

  113. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    Well a friend of mine just called Rust and was told that the checks were in the mail. I don't know how true it is but it's a new response. However they told her it could take up to 2 weeks to get them. WHY? we know that's BS

  114. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    i just got off the phone with rust and they told me checks has not went out yet call back by the 30th if we dont get our money by the 25 we should call the better businesss

  115. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    why are so many of the commenters on here so impatient? Lawsuits just take time. I feel sorry for those of you that planned your family/personal budgeting around this settlement payment. Some of you are acting like this is money that you have been receiving on a consistent basis. If you took out a loan based on paying it off with this settlement payment or something of that nature, it wasn't an advised decision. So, just hold your horses with some patience, and treat this payment as something unexpected but beneficial. I don't see how anyone can be angry at the courts or Rust Consulting because they are behind on bills and such. You should be more careful in budgeting your money, they have no obligation to you, just because you are in a bad financial situation.

  116. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    Well I just did the math and I think everybody need to come down about the money. If 13 million is what is left for the over 30,000 people named then most will just be getting a $433 check at the end of the month. I know it's our money but if you were planning on quitting your job or buying a car sorry to bring bad news.

  117. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    The $433 quote is not necessarily true (though I do agree that we will be getting far less than the original amount not considering taxes). $433 is just the average amount for the 30,000 people, some people are getting as little as $25 which would mean that others would get more.

  118. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    For the fool that wants to know why we are getting impatient and probably a little suspicious of the company handling the money... here goes!
    I was patient in October when the lawyers got me and the 19 other named plaintiffs to sign off on a settlement well under what we asked for. The lawyer said the settlement checks would arrive for everyone to have a nice Christmas.
    I was even patient when it was postponed to February.
    I was again patient when it was again postponed to March. This time the Lawyer said they were asking that the court release the money for their bills and the awards to the named plaintiffs.
    I was annoyed however when even though the amounts for the named plaintiffs were signed off by the judge April 1st nothing came by May 1st.
    I was getting suspicious when the Lawyers blocked all email addresses used to communicate with us and the phone numbers went to a full voicemail box as of May 15th.
    I was downright pissed off when I was referred to Rust who then announced that all monies would be paid at the same time after they finished doing the calculations for 30 thousand people. But According to the operator that answered the phone the checks would be mailed mid June. It was led to believe as were thousands of others that if the check did not arrive by JUNE 30th that it was probably lost in the mail.
    I surpassed pissed off when July 1st came and I was told that they hadn't even mailed the checks out and although they intend to mail them this month it could be August or September before they bother to mail them. And according to that person.. Rust doesn't have to abide by any time frame.
    I as I imagine many others do not appreciate being lied to. I as do many others do not appreciate being told I will have extra money and then it doesn't show up. I however unlike several posters am not unwise enough to need to depend on it showing up on a certain day. I just want it done and over with. And I want my check. I deserve my check. And I am getting sick of being lied to over the whole thing!

  119. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    all this time it was the lawyers and rust who told us the dates when checks are being mailed out not the courts/judge. now that the judge said by july 22nd they'll be mailed out, why dont we just wait till then.

  120. Hey does anyone know what's up with Grady-Schneider's website? It's gone and that's who I was going to get my check from. Should I be worried?

  121. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    you people are going to get your money.(for the guy who called me a fool). You act like they are going to scam you out of your money or something. Things like this take time dates change. There are so many factors and mitigating circumstances involved. I know its frustrating that that can't give you a difinitive date with a tracking number etc. You will get your money for certain its just a matter of being patient. They don't know themselves and when you start pestering them they are going to just give you assumptions or information to the best of their knowledge. its like they are just giving you a date to satisfy you to get you off their back. So you are gonna get what you are looking for. They aren't purposely holding you at bay. For me I'm just waiting patiently for it to come in the mail. It said i was getting about 1057.xx dollars. The money isn't going anywhere just relax.

  122. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    addding to my above post. Rust isn't some rebate coming that may or may not mail out your 25 dollar mail in rebate check. They are dealing with a major court case and a court of law and with strict accounting oversite. Believe me they aren't going to pull any fast ones with your money.

  123. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    rust is keeping our money to get interest

  124. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    it does not take tis long to get our checks i know it take time but it been to long and the keep saying june july and soon it will be aug then sep the nov then dec and soon next year it does not take this long to get checks out you saying that becouse you working for rust

  125. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    For the one asking about Grady Scnieder.. You need to call the number for rust.. You need to make sure they have your correct address because Grady Schneider did not udate them . Sure they called and sent emails over and over again but that was not for the money it was for their records. They did not bother even telling us about Rust. Heck I'm a named Plaintiff and I didn't find out about rust until June1st. And when I called they had my original address from 3 years ago. Grady Schnieder stopped communicating with us the minute they got paid. They blocked the email addresses and changed the phone to a message that just says box full and hangs up. June 1st after I managed to find one working email address for them sent me a reply that they were not responsible for keeping the plaintiffs updated about the case. At that time they said We would be paid in mid June.. Thats when I found out about Rust. The message said to call them if I didn't receive a check by the 2nd week of June. They do not care about us at all. We are on our own dealing with Rust.

  126. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    I heard RGIS employees that worked in New Jersey were not in the lawsuit. Is this true?

  127. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    [huh said...]
    "Hey does anyone know what's up with Grady-Schneider's website? It's gone and that's who I was going to get my check from. Should I be worried?"

    No worries it's back online bud

  128. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    if you cant talk to the lawyers find out what city they in and call the on them the better business bru

  129. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    if i dont get my check by the 25 i calling the better busniess bru on rust and the lawyers and im calling the judge monday and telling him the lawyers wont returen my call and i cant email them

  130. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    if we call the bbb on rust we can make it so no one will haired him and if we call them on the lawyers we can make it so no one will haired them to

  131. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    I called Judge Joseph Spero 6-12 and his clerk told me to call the attorney(s) that handled the case. I will call back monday and tell mhis clerk that the attorney have blocked their e-mails and will not return any calls relating to this lawsuit.

  132. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    if i dont get my check by the 25 i calling the bbb on rust

  133. AnonymousJuly 16, 2011

    we can make so rust and the lawyers dont have a any peace and and make it so no one will give them a job i dont wont to but if that what it takes to get my money then so be it

  134. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    It looks like we will go through any extreme to get to a few hundred dollars that will be spent the minute you get it. We know that they cannot keep this money forever and them being attorney's they know how far they can push it. I want my check too so if anyone knows of a for sure way to get it please post. But to call the bbb for what? To call the judge, for what?

  135. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    we can cal the judge and ask him to order them to give us our money

  136. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    the better business bru and file a compaint on rust so when a lawyer farm go to need someone to count up money for people rust wont be choose

  137. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    and if we call the better business bru and flie a complaint on the lawyers they wont get clints

  138. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    if the lawyers and rust think they can pull one of us the little guys we can couse them trouble

  139. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    us the little people need to stand up to big co. that trying to pull one over on us this is american dame it

  140. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    if we let rust and the lawyers get away with trying to keep our money that we suffered for to just get inerest then we our worng for that let stand up and say we wont our money now by the 1 of aug or we will call the judge and the bbb

  141. AnonymousJuly 17, 2011

    if i dont get my check by the 25 of july then im calling the bbb on rust and fling a complaint and on the lawyers to i know it take time to get out checks but not this long

  142. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    Just called Rust and I could tell the guy was reading a script. He said there is no specific date for mailing out the checks, but the calculations are in the works and it should be by the end of July that they would be mailed out. This is getting ridiculous.

  143. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    Just got off the phone with a lady at rust and she has informed me that, like in the previous post, the checks should be mailed out by the end of the month. She stated to me that the project manager had not given anyone at rust a specific date, but that they would be mailed out by the end of the month!? Guess well see!.

  144. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    The script has been the same since May. In May it was call back at the end of the month. In June they said call back June 30th... Now its Call back July 31st. My pessimistic nature tells me ... July 31st we will hear call back August 30th!

  145. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    This time Rust did not say call back...they said the checks should be mailed out by the end of July.

  146. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    they say call back after july 31 then we should all call the judge and tell him whats going on and call the better busniess bru on rust

  147. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    they will pull it as long as we let them we need to fight back and couse and make them give us our money if we call bbb on them and the lawyers that we make it hard on them to get work

  148. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    if they tell me not till aug then i calling the bbb and the judge and asking who ever pick the phone up to give him a message and i will say what rust is doing and ask him if he can order them to pay us if we all do that soon he will order

  149. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    Heres that Better BB link Rust Consulting, This Business is not BBB Accredite. But yet they are rated as a A- because they have only had 17 complaints. Sad. http://www.bbb.org/minnesota/business-reviews/consultant-public-sector-planning/rust-consulting-in-minneapolis-mn-11002239#reasonrating

  150. AnonymousJuly 18, 2011

    ya'll should calm down, just wait till after the 22nd to make moves if we dont receive our mooooola babbbbby.

  151. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011


  152. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    july 22 is here still no checks

  153. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    Rust says August. Another month!

  154. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    Does it really matter anyway? The only people getting anything out of this are the lawyers. For employees, even with years of service with RGIS, you won't even get enough to fill up your gas tank.

  155. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    I just called Rust.. Same as before. Late July but no anticipated date yet. Seems to me it depends on who answers the phone as to what you hear. They want you to hang up and go away quickly. I'm sure they are sick to death of us by now. I wish they would get a move on it!

  156. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    Actually for those who are wondering why people are pestering them about this... The some people in Washinton and California are getting more than the other states. The average for the employees in those two states that are no longer with RGIS will be in the 1-5k range. And the Named plaintiffs will be getting 5k plus the amount owed to cover the state fines. The key is they had to have quit prior to the settlement date in September. The state labor codes assess fines to any employer that doesn't pay the total hours worked within a two week period after employment is terminated. That's why you find posts from people saying they were told such high amounts. That is also why there was a delay between January to March. Rust was given that extra time to acertain which claims from those two states fell into that category. After having that two months to figure that part out I personally don't see why now they are having such a problem "calculating" the payments. They have been "calculating" them for six months!

  157. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    It seems to me that all the commenting(including my own) has accomplished nothing but anger and frustration. I too like has been said, need my money. I needed it when it was suppose to have been paid from the beginning. Notice that RGIS has not had any comment on the progress ans the comments by Rust are open ended at best. We are getting frustrated with people whom could care less if we are angry. The judge gave them some leg room by saying the checks will likely be distributed by July 22nd. Rust can used that freedom to take time to achieve more interest after the 1st of August and still satisfy the judge. They can make interest an d we won't have a leg to stand on trying to make them pay something more. Think about it and just sit back and wait for the post office to deliver around the 4th.

  158. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    i have faith in july 22 u people should too u have been waiting this long . now if that is false thenf**** them all..lmao

  159. AnonymousJuly 20, 2011

    Talked to Rust today. Told the same, probably end of July bu "no guarentees". So prepare for August. The lady at Rust said they were still "doing calculations". They must be using their fingers and toes to calc instead of computers. Of course, we all kow they are holding onto our money to collect the interest. If we don't get our money by July 31, I think everyone should call Judge Spero. He can issue an order forcing Rust to pay or explain (show cause) why they haven't paid.

  160. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I called today, they said the same thing before the month is out but no date! im sick of there "run a round" Dont they know its only a few more days left in this month!

  161. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I just called Rust also and they said the end of the month but its not set in stone there just using the money to keep the interest this is crap. we should have gotten paid before anyone else its not about a matter of needing it as a matter of its our money and we need it now its already been awarded approved calculated so wheres my check

  162. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Got my check today yeah!1

  163. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Did You really get your check???

  164. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Time has run out and i havent gotten my check :{ fml Its my money and i want it NOW!!!!

  165. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    For the person who said they got their check today, first did u really and could u tell us where Live state wise.

  166. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    My check needs to hurry up im tryna get these 24s on my truck

  167. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    any one get thier check post

  168. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    yo im tryna get some sixes.

  169. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    To the poster who said "I got my check"--how can you get your check when they haven't been mailed yet? Rust says they will mail all the checks at the same time. They haven't been mailed yet.

  170. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    Talked to Rust yesterday. They said "hopefully will be mailed by end of July". The person also said when the checks have been mailed, they will be able to tell us they are in the mail so we can look out for them. Yesterday, they said they haven't been mailed yet, so it is impossible that someone got a check. The Rust guy said all 30,000+ checks will be mailed at the same time. It is a little worrisome that he did not promise that they will be mailed in July. August????? If after July, everyone should give the judge a call.

  171. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    you guys... their lawyers, regardless of whether or not it sucks that we dont have our money yet I guarantee you that they will keep our money till it isnt legal not to. even if we see it as illegal its not. they know how to bend the laws better than anybody... no matter how many times we call and complain to the judge or to the bbb or to them personally its not going to make the money come sooner. you cant watch the pot boil you just have to sit back and wait for it to come. it may take awhile who knows but sitting on here complaining every day isnt going to fix anything. they will send out the checks at the very last LEGAL moment and not a moment sooner. so just sit back watch some tv and just wait.

  172. AnonymousJuly 21, 2011

    I guess I can go live under a bridge.

  173. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Damn, that guy took my idea of "i got my check" Just to see how people would react... thats funny!

  174. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Its the 22nd of July!!!!!

    Haha... its funny because im acting like i have hope of getting it before christmas lol

  175. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    I call almost everyday I get a diferent story. I b honest I don't think checks are going to get mailed out July 22,2011. They say they hope check will b mailed out but can't promise it. shit when ever it do come cant enjoy it all this pain and suffering. Yea it not that much but hey rgis got alot of labor out of me I got treated like a wet food stamp. My money I need it now.

  176. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    This is just getting really out of hand , I never seen anything so stupid it should not be taking this long really is Rust used stone age equipment I just dont understand it oh well I guess it just a huge waiting game. I think I am gonna called Rust today and see what they say. It is really sad that we were mistreated by RGIS and now being mistreated by another company .Very Frustrating

  177. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Hey everybody s#*% only flows downhill.

  178. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    anytime i hear JG wentworth i think they should call him OG wentworth....it's your money and i need it now!!!!! LOL I used to wrk for rgis....it's like alot of other corporations...thats the problem!

  179. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Time's up Rusty. Where's my check?

  180. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Just got off the phone with rust consultant they are taking names and numbers down because they are having technical difficulties. Of course they are. Mailman came with some ads. Time to blow up all these damn phone contacts.

  181. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    They will have to send the checks according to the judges dates. Which is July 22,2011
    They are not going to give you the exact date they were mailed over the phone, due to mail thieves ect.... but once they have been officially sent you can inquire as to what happened to yours
    if you havent received it by Month end.

  182. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    just got off the phone with rust.....they told me the SCHEDULED date of distribution is july 27......this is the first time they have given me an exact date so maybe that is a good sign....i'm not supposed to recieve that much money and i'm sorry for those that are and have been depending on it.

  183. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Yes they said the 27th try are scheduled to be mailed hog is wednesday also they said it takes 7 to 10 business days for it to be mailed

  184. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Well, at least we have a mailing date, the 27th. Progress. The first one that actually gets a check, please report here, and how much withholding in tax they took out. Some people should get their checks next Friday (the 29th).

  185. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    I dont understand why Rust are saying it takes 7 to 10 days to be mailed , even if it is going to california that should only take 4 or 5 at the most still it shouldnt take no more than that Please when someone gets their please let everyone else know that way we know that it is for real this time .

  186. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    I bet the consulting firm is reading this blog and laughing at how all of us seem so desperate for this money. Seriously, none of us know how much money were even getting. Theyve already taken out at least 60 percent due to fees and whatnot so how much do YOU think youre really going to get? I was with RGIS for 7 years and Ive pretty much withstood every bullshit theyve ever thrown at you, whether it was with the 908's, travel rates and hell, even a 40 percent paycut. I left the company because I KNEW that they would eventually jack each and every one of us over. This is just another thing. I want money just like every other person here, but Im pretty sure theyre reading this and totally having beers over how some people on here sound so thirsty for money. Its friday, have a drink, enjoy your weekend and just sit and relax. It will eventually come, however much it will be.

  187. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011


  188. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Last post sounds like one of the lawyers who got a piece of that 14 million. Since you are so calm, how about you cut me a check right now and when I get my check it's yours. I have a well paying job myself now, I worked for RGIS while I was in Grad school so I'm not hurting for the money. I just know everybody is not well off and I'm not saying I am but people should get the money that is legally theirs in a timely manner. Try telling your mortgage company to be patient with your payments or I know I'm late but if you let me hold the money I owe you so it can draw interest I will then be able to pay you. We all know how that would end, like someone said above sleeping under the bridge.

  189. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    well they won't...the ladders of corporate america are made with your family, friends and neighbors and if you want to climb up at all you have to step on someone....ever heard the phrase "don't hate the player, hate the game." That is a completely true statement...

  190. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    July 27(11) is our cut off date then if no check - we call. If for some strange reason we do get the money (still hopeing)THIS will be the first place I go after getting the mail and before I go to the bank. It's been a long hard road, we need to stick together, or WE WILL CALL Everyone!
    Didn't the "25 days to pay" go into effect after the last court date? With these checks coming from Rust, will they be like payroll check? How hard will they be for us to cash in CA? We really don't need any more BS.

  191. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    after i get my check its farewell to all of yall... peeeeeeeeace..my next comment will be on the next lawsuit...lol.

  192. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    Yea this Rust company is full of alot of BS they should of had the balls to just be honest from the beginning instead of giving us so much crap. How do you run a business telling so many lies, to bad we can't put them out of business that they wouldn't get any more clients because they can't be honest or truthful. They say LIES do eventually catch up with you. I've worked for RGIS for over 6 years and rorked alot of hard hours and took alot shit from managers. They owe me this. Maybe we should start calling headquarters and telling them they need to contact these people they hired to handle this mess and tell them to get there shit together they got paid enough. Just let me know if anyone wants HQs number I have it.

  193. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    I need money and I need it now!!!!!!! I mean right now!!!!!

  194. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    im calling the judge tommorrow

  195. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Call the judge only if Rust doesn't deliver on the promise to mail the checks next Wednesday (the 27TH) and you don't get it by the following Tuesday (2ND August). Then call the judge.

  196. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Whoever gets a check, report it here so we can look out for our check, and also how much in taxes they took out.

  197. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Ok I called this morning and was told the same... checks go out on Wednesday! Just out of curiosity.. does it irk anyone else that they ask for your name, last 4 numbers of your social and your address.. then wait for a few minutes to "pull up your info" just so they can tell you the same thing they tell everyone calling about the case? Wouldn't it take less time and effort just to say.. which case and then spout off the prepared answer?

  198. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    I also called this am and was told that the checks are scheduled to go on Wednesday and the customer service rep ask me the same questions who knows why they asked it maybe it is to verify that we are with the case who knows

  199. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Now they arent sending the checks out till wednesday??? what happened to by July 22?

  200. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Possible tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in forcast for Minnesota for Wednesday. Another delay?


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