Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Does The New RGIS Employment Video a Hit?

Very recently, SnagAjob has released a short employment video courtesy from RGIS LLC. It was uploaded since December last year both for the SnagAjob and YouTube websites.

The employment video is a little over 2 minutes short clip, but it was loaded with lots of interesting stuff.  I said interesting because as of this moment (February 1, 2011 9:55PM Pacific Time), the video has been viewed more than 15,000 times since its initial upload and currently gets 60 views per hour.

It is an upgrade from the traditional and static text-based employment ads by the inventory company and I think that majority of the traffic to the RGIS website right now that are employment related were linked from this video. Demographically, 14,000 out of 15,000 views are coming from United States and the rest were coming outside of the country.

Now, its time to ask this question, "Will the new RGIS employment video a success?" The answer entirely depends to whom the question was asked. If the question was addressed to an RGIS executive, or particularly to Rob Hill, RGIS Vice President in particular, definitely the answer would be a rousing success partly because of the initial traffic results it sends to the RGIS website and the unprecedented number of views it receives.

If  the question was addressed to an RGIS critic, which many from readers of this blog are happened to be or at least inclined to be, of course one will always expect from snide remarks to vitriolic responses. Of course I respect their opinion. But if someone will ask me the same question, here's my response:

I agree that the video is getting tens of thousands of views it deserves and sending traffic to the company's website. It is an employment video and the timing of its release is just about right when the company needs to hire more people for this year's operations. I also believe that it serves as image-building strategy of the company.

But being said that, I would be more interested instead to see on the actual number of successful new hires for both management and field operations since the video caters both for the hourly and salaried. I am also more interested to see on how this strategy can help keep these employees to stick with the company for longer periods instead of the usual cleave then leave hiring practice.

I hope the company will live to what Mr. Rob Hill has said about its employees: "We cannot do anything we do without the people we have on the ground everyday delivering our service." But if nothing changes the way they keep and maintain quality hires, then the company has done little or nothing the way a company should treat its (hourly) employees: To be an employee-friendly company. 


  1. Retailer in CaliforniaFebruary 02, 2011

    Obviously, this video is nothing but to create an idea that the application process is as easy as ABC. Little the applicants know that RGIS IS having a hard time GETTING quality hires and having a hard time KEEPING them to stay with the company.

    You don't need a Vice President speak in behalf of Human Resources and trying to convince everyone, "Apply Now"

  2. pensacola ladyFebruary 04, 2011

    RGIS has to come up something new in order to lure more new hires into their employment roster. But, the video will be a failure since the company does not have an a employee-friendly policy.

  3. I have found that since Blackstone took over the business they are doing what they do. That is trying to make RGIS sell-able company, with little regards of their employees and customers.
    Accuracy has become Number 2 with APH Number 1. We get daily e-mails about how many of our stores have gone green. The new phrase is Plan - Push - Produce. In one store I even had a supervisor tell us to keep quantities less then 50 pcs, so the computer doesn't flag it.

  4. In our district, we have no problems hiring people. We do have a problem keeping them after they realize how miserable they become with the double standards this company has. They tell you not to estimate or batch (which I have been told by a DM that batching is now called "power counting"), yet the expected aphs keep going up. Thanks to the aph calculator you no longer work if you are good at your job, only if you fit under some magical number that a computer pulls out of its hard drive programmed by people who have no inventory experience whatsoever.

  5. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Since Blackstone bought RGIS ,there marching orders was to cut expenses, (employees) and increase standards in order to gain more profits.They came up with P4,a fancy nme for pay for performance (APH CALC)You would think this would be good , except that RGIS has set goals that in most cases cannot be acheived by the computer generated number.Non Inventory count time is not taken into the formula, and neither is the hourly supervisor roles when not counting.As a recent former RGIS Hourly Supervisor my ASET level was deceased without any notification or discussions.It was based supposedly on evenets that were worked , not Supervised.The penalty in pay also affects the Supervised inventories that are supposedly exempt form this policy.RGIS IS NO GOOD!!!!!!!!


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