Saturday, February 05, 2011

World's Smallest Wireless Barcode Data Collector

The KDC200 Barcode Data Collector/Scanner. Image courtesy from KoamTac.
Nope. They are not mobile phones nor cigarette lighters, neither digital cameras or remote controllers. They are enterprise-grade barcode data collectors or scanners. Who needs the gigantic, bulky, heavy and outdated barcode data collector when you can use the sleek, zippo lighter-size and Bluetooth-enabled powerful Barcode Scanner?

The barcode data collectors are innovations from Koamtac, a Princeton, New Jersey company that specializes with data collection devices. These devices only weigh just 2 oz and the size of a cigarette lighter making them the world's smallest Bluetooth-enabled barcode data collectors. The KDC barcode scanner can be worn around your neck, carry it in a purse, or simply slide it in your pocket.

The KDC barcode Data Collector fits perferctly into your
palm. Image from CFCompany, Japan
Do not underestimate because of its size. The device is an enterprise solution for virtually any retail, supply chain, or data collection requirements. It tracks packages, couriers, shipments, deliveries, and identify your location worldwide.

It is used in retail stores for quick physical inventory, UPC validation and Scanning. It makes speedy access to patient's medical records, and insurance data. It is used to manage properties, visitor's identifications and scanning of driver's licenses, among others.

The first generation of this product, the KDC100 was introduced in the US in 2008 at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas by the Princeton-based company. A year later, the second generation was released with the ability to read 2D barcodes with Bluetooth technology and supports the Honeywell's Adaptus Imaging Technology.

In 2010, the KDC300i was introduced as newer upgrade which supports iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and can scan any type of barcode symbologies. This time the device gets smaller and weighs only around 1.2 oz. In 2011, Koamtac has released the newest version of the barcode scanner with GPs capability. The company also released new KDC firmware which supports Spec2.1+EDR and HID option which allow the user to toggle the iPhone soft keyboard so that both device works simultaneously.

All KDC line of barcode scanners support all mobile devices such as laptops, desktops, PDA's, Tablets,  Mobile Phones, and Smartphones. It supports virtually any mobile and desktop operating systems which include Google Android, RIM Blackberry, Apple iPhone/iPad iOS, Mac OS, Windows Mobile, all Microsoft Windows operating systems such as Win98/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7/Windows Servers, making it the first barcode collector that supports cross-platform.

Image from KoamTac

Read more enterprise news about KDC Data Collectors

KDC is a registered trademark and property of KoamTac, the innovator of the KDC line of Barcode Data Collectors. KoamTac, Inc. designs, develops, and manufactures barcode data collection devices and barcode scan modules.  Adaptus is a registered trademark and property of Honeywell International Inc; Android is a registered trademark and property of Google Inc; Bluetooth is a registered trademark and property of Bluetooth SIG.

Blackberry is a registered trademark and property of Research in Motion Limited; KDC and KTSync are trademarks of KoamTac Inc.; Mircosoft Windows is a registered trademarks and property of Microsoft Corporation; iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.


  1. Smaller technology = easier job for inventory counters!

    ~ Steve
    "The Inventory Dude"

  2. There are so numerous sorts of scanner accessible. The 3D laser scanner is the most recent scanner utilized to capture the three-dimensional information a protest utilizing laser light. This scanner can capture information so precisely. Best as built p&ids Denver, Colorado


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