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Friday, July 29, 2011

Settlement Delayed Part 6: Checks Are Here!

Rust Consulting has mailed out tens of thousands of settlement checks this week for RGIS claimants
days after the July 22 expected date set by the court. The image above is an example of the check
from one of our blog authors. Use of the image with permission.

Share your comments here and let everybody knows you have received your own settlement check.

Dear Readers and RGIS Claimants, 

As of today July 29, I have received several emails confirming that some claimants already have received their settlement checks as early as yesterday. Rust Consulting has confirmed that it sent out thousands of checks this week from its Minneapolis, MN law office. I know some have already received your own checks late this week. For some who have not, just be patient. You may receive your own next week, and others will be the week after depending on your location, weather condition in your state, difficulty of reaching your physical address especially if you have moved to a newer location recently, and some other factors as well.

Make sure to double-check your mails from now on. Santa will be in your town anytime and drop some good stuff in your mailboxes!

As we are getting closer to receiving our own share of the settlement check, I thought it is a good idea to make a separate post for all RGIS settlement claimants.

So when  you receive your own check, make every opportunity to post your personal comments thru this post and let everybody knows how do you feel about getting (or not getting) your own checks. How do you spend it, what were your experiences, things like that. I and the rest of the authors of this blog will post ours too, including images (names will be hidden) of our checks the moment we get our own.

The checks are coming from Rust Consulting Law Office in Minneapolis, MN with address at 625 Marquette Ave.
Image courtesy from Google Maps

Some of you have suggested if I can post images of your personal checks. I declined because that will only defeat the confidentiality and privacy of  your identity. But I appreciate for sending me that suggestion.

Before going any further, I would like to acknowledge one good trait that I've noticed from everyone who has been waiting and monitoring the development and outcome of this case:

We may not know one another, in fact we have just met thru this blog. But you have demonstrated to everyone for being vocal, for showing solidarity in one spirit and one goal, and for participating in the exchange of views and opinion with everybody thru this blog. These actions alone are great achievements in their own rights. I appreciate everybody for going through this journey. One of the named plaintiffs dropped me an email lately thanking this blog and thanking you for support  of this case.

We shall continue to fight our rights and privileges as workers in matters of compensation, fairness, and equal opportunity.

The comment settings of this blog assures complete privacy of your identity. It can accept both anonymous and regular comments from readers like you.

Good luck everyone!


  1. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Got my check on Friday, July 29th in Oklahoma. Around 400 bucks. Took family out for dinner, plus spending on an overdue bill.

  2. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    got my check today 21 bucks was thier 4 months the person who got 400 how long was you thier

  3. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    my name william i think i got screwed i was thier 4 months that dont cove but 3 breaks i bet rust got most of the money them bastards karma will come back they will get whats coming to them

  4. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    I got my check here in WV today. It was a little over $500 and yes they did take out taxes-over $100 worth. One thing I still don't understand is how they came up with that amount. I think this lawsuit only goes back and covers 3 years of work and I really thought I would get more. I bet they couldn't explain to me how they did it. I think I'll take a pic of it and send it to rgis and say thanks.

  5. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    im nfrom california and still havent got my check when i called friday she said it would take 7-10 buisness days for ca to gat there checks i told them it better be sooner than that i never had mail take that long from there. she said feel free to call back anytime with any questions when people post how much they got also say how long you have been there I myself have been with the company for 5 1/2 years that notice they sent said 2,100 or so then they had to recalculate I thought they didnt take taxes out the other lawsuit got a 1099g with there check something is not right about the tax thing

  6. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Got my check!!!!! $672.31 I will bring my family for a dinner tonight. Yeheyyyyy!

  7. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    From Illinois, my check was a little over $300.00 Not bad. Not bad at all. Thanks.

  8. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Got my check today and it was as expected after taxes. It was on time too. Busted my air bed this week and floor sucks. Good luck all.

  9. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Got my check.... over $1800! What a surprise.

  10. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    how long did you work for rgis to get that much money please post

  11. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    I'm from SF area and I received my check today...yes it was taxed 37% of my original wages.

  12. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    after taxes i ended up with 3458.....worked there for 7 years and quit in 09 cause all the BS.. im from cali btw.

  13. VacationeerJuly 31, 2011

    Wow! I was on vacation in Europe for 3 months. When I got home just yesterday, I was surprised to get a check coming from Rust. Now my vacation expenses were completely covered by the settlement check. And I still got several hundreds of dollars left. It was awesome.

  14. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    I got my check on Saturday after taxes 9100.00. I worked there since 1995.

  15. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    does everone that works or have worked get one?? how do u know if u will be getting one?

  16. Tiny checkJuly 31, 2011

    I am really jealous of you guys, cuz I only got a measly $27.20 from Rust. Better than nothing.

  17. In the letter I received from Rust last November it said my share of the settlement would be approximately $850.21. I got my settlement check yesterday in the amount of $749.53 gross and $605.44 net. I haven't worked for RGIS since the first half of 2006. A $100.68 difference is quite a bit when estimating the payout; I would like to hear their explanation for that.

  18. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    got my check yesterday in San Jose, CA

  19. havn't heard from them in a year. i wonder if im going to get a check

  20. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    My estimated amount was approximately 11000.00.
    My settlement amount was approx.gross 7400.00. net amount 6095.00. That was a big difference.
    I'm from Ca. working since 2002.

  21. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Im jealous too I got a measly 3500.00 after taxes.

  22. free money is free money, no need to be jealous guys. peace out.

  23. I worked for them from 1987 - 2003. 16 years and I got $25. Where is it explained how the payout was figured?

  24. Got my check on Saturday after taxes $370. Remember it is half pay and half compensation (hence the W2 and 1099). SO they only paid me around $240 before taxes. Now I know this is from 2005 on (been working for them over 20 years) so I have no clue how the figured this out. I know I'm not in one of the filing states and only get money under the Federal Fair Labor, not the state labor laws.
    Go figure, it is still found money!!

  25. I'm in Georgia and I got my check on Saturday the 30th. It was exactly what they had quoted me earlier minus the taxes. Just a reminder keep all the info included for tax purposes cuz you know they will file it and you don't want to get in trouble with the IRS!!!!!

  26. Looks like the people from CA. & WA. got paid correctly. I worked there 2 yrs and my check was $21.16. I knew that we would get the f***ing because no time sheets were mailed out.

  27. to the poster who work from 1987-2003....the lawsuits is from 2004-2010

  28. Got mine today. Best birthday present I ever got

  29. In SoCA got mine on Sat and it was just what they said it would be, 3786. gross and 3046. net after the taxes. I am glad they did it this way. I will be getting some of it back when I do my taxes.
    Thanks again RGIS for giving me what I earned.

  30. Got my check last week, Fri 7/29. Really did.
    Pretty close to original estimate $4xxx.,
    from 2004-2011.
    Got W4 too, listing half as wages with
    total withholding (CA) about 38.5% on the wages,
    no withholding on the half listed as non-wages.
    Contributing the $ to reduce the national debt :-)

  31. Got mine the 29th. 5295... was supposed to be 5636 so it's not that bad of a difference.. we are going on vacation with a little of it. The rest will be set aside for birthdays and Christmas! Bank put a hold on it till tommorow.. but after waiting for three years I think I could handle the wait.

  32. Got mine $1592, been working there since 1999. I guess it was worth the wait, it should have never come to this in the first place if you ask me! The Blackstone group has turned what used to be a cool place to work in to a hellish nightmare!!!

  33. It's interesting to read some of these comments, some feel that this is "free" money. Have you forgotten why the lawsuit came about? It's money that they owe you based on how long you've worked there.

    Also here's a thought, why not use the money you get and save it, or invest it in your future.

  34. im from fresno california and i got $353.00 settelment award yay im hecka happy thanks

  35. yessss, i also got a check in the mail. $178.07 worked there for about a year and a half. and this totally free money, how many others get treated like crap at their jobs and get absolutely no compensation. enjoy =]

  36. So after working at RGIS for 7 years, receiving the post card last year I called RUST to see where my check was and I am not in the data base, therefore no check. Awesome! What can they do, nothing I am not in the data base. Oh well! Congrats to those who got a check.

  37. Quick question to those who rec checks- Was the envelope marked with a non forward endorsement? Reason I ask is because Rust had my old address, by the time I tried to change it, it was to late. I have a change of address on file with USPS, but it will not forward mail that has this endorsement. I tried calling rust, but no answer after many rings.

  38. How long ago did you change your address? It shouldn't matter eventho after you moved n have a change of address as long as still within a year since I just barely moved myself. Hmmmm... now makes me wonder why i haven't got mine yet. Gonna call Rust tomorrow, this is BS.

  39. What is the number anyone called to reach Rust? I think they had my old address and the postcard got forwarded to me but the check won't since I moved over a year ago. Thanks.

  40. Rust Consulting Toll Free: 1-877-310-2748

  41. They told me if you don't get it by 8-10, to call them and they can reissue to your new address.

  42. Thanks for posting the number!

  43. I'm starting to become concerned that I'm not going to get a check. My boyfriend received his a week ago, and we have lived at the same address together for the entire length of the lawsuit. I was actually employed at RGIS longer than he was, so I think it is safe to assume I should be getting one. Any information of who I might be able to contact??

  44. I have not received my check yet, called the number 877-310-2748, as of today, they are putting stop payment on the check and re-issuing another one, says it could take 2 to 4 weeks and they are unable to tell me how much I will receive lets hope they send it to the correct address

  45. Got my check on Sat, Jul 30 (Calif). It was for about 2,500 after taxes. I just hope I can save some of it for an emergency fund, and not blow it gambling or some other foolishness!

    P.S.--does anyone know what Rust plans to do with the unclaimed or left over money?---shouldn't it be distributed to all of us?

    P.S. 2--Bank of America has a separtate class action settlement for customers overcharged for bounced checks. Rust consulting is handling that one as well. They said that could amount to several hundred dollars if you were a long term customer of BofA.

  46. I just don't get the amount. I've worked for RGIS from 1986 and still working for them, all the time as hourly. I get a check for $380 after taxes.
    Is it because I'm on the East Coast and not in a state that was certified under the class action?

  47. Cha-Ching 1300 bucks. Payback for busting my butt and having to sit around at the office and not get paid for it, and being refused breaks, and just treated like crap in general.

  48. Don't thank them, they were forced to do this because they got sued, and are required to pay what they owe you. Thank the plaintiffs. I remember some 12 hour shifts where I wasn't even allowed a ten minute break,

  49. Still don't have mine- Wondering if anyone got theirs over the weekend?

  50. I still havent recieved my check, I called them Aug. 2 and they told me that they sent my check to an old address from eight years ago, which i dont understand how they got, since they knew my current address when they sent me a notice of this settlement last year. The person told me that they would put a stop payment on the check and for me to call back on the 10th and they would issue a new check. So i called on the 10th and they said that they would put in a request for a new check and it would take 2 to 4 weeks, thats when i lost it, and demanded to talk to a supervisor, he told me the same thing so i asked to speak to his supervisor he only connected me to his voicemail, and of course i got no call back. Why wont they send me a new check????

  51. Well guess what? the same thing happened to me and once again I lost it with them as well. When I spoke to them on June 29th, they had my correct address, but they decided to do a post trace and came up with an address that I had over 7 yrs ago. Needless to say, I never received my check. However, when I called back on to have them put a stop payment on my check, guess what? They had my correct address!!!!!! I was told 2-4 weeks. I called today, and now I'm being told 4-6 weeks. Once again I lost it. I was told to calm down. You know I read them the riot act asking them what gives them the authority to take it upon themselves to change my address when they had the correct information in the first place before the checks were sent out. I said a few choice words and then told them to go f*** themselves and slammed the phone down.

  52. I received my check on July 29th, two days after they said they would be mailed. Worked 5 years and received the 3500 gross that was in their Nov mailing. I'm in Oregon

  53. I haven't received my check, but I moved. Who and how do we contact them to verify the address the check should be sent to.

  54. 877-310-2748

  55. u need to call rust consulting and give them ur new address before the end of the week they are sending the reissued checks next week sometime is what they told me this morning. There should be the number for them in the blog somewhere.

  56. 877-310-2748, rust consulting telephone number

  57. I called today and the guy said they mailed a bunch of reissued checks on 31st- Has anyone that was missing one seen theirs yet?

  58. I have yet to receive mine, but I am not stressing over it. If it comes it comes.

  59. I had just got my check 2day for $857.31 dollars, but i feel like more money should have been given out.:(

  60. I never recieved mine and dont know that I will. I think this is a little unfair if you ask me. Does anyone know who to contact concerning this.

  61. I was completely unaware of this lawsuit until I received a check in the mail today for $106! It has been almost 8 years since I have worked for RGIS and only worked there for a few months; but can honestly say that they deserved to pay out every cent and then some!

  62. I need to get my check but I dont know who to contact about that. Can anyone help?

    1. read the Aug 9th comment and you will find your answer

  63. AnonymousMay 20, 2012

    I haven't heard anything from the lawyers about this being settled. I didn't even know until TODAY that it had, and it was in 2010 that I last heard, and was told they were going to contact me as soon as they found out more. Now it's 2012 and I've not received s***. I'm telephoning tomorrow to see if I'm entitled to anything at all.

  64. AnonymousJune 06, 2012

    In New York, no mail, no response, no check....

  65. Hoefullly kentucky is one of the jackpot states that gets treated fairly...(:

  66. My name is Rhonda Brooks I never recevied a check I had been notified of the on going lawsuit. Am I entitled? Thank You

  67. Make sure to double-check your mails from now on. Santa will be in your town anytime and drop some good stuff in your mailboxes structured settlement quote

  68. I received my check today $500.00. I want to know if anyone has received the top amount of $125,000.00. I'm disappointed, I lost my home and my insurance sales job at the same time. I couldn't have a foreclosure on my record. How did Rust make their decisions? I sent them 65 pages of history as to what happened it was very well documented.

  69. AnonymousJuly 31, 2013

    I just called in regards to my claim, at first I was told I wasn't in their database then after I verified personal information and was put on hold for life then the rep tells me that I didn't work at all as a auditor or team lead. Well I will be contacting my own lawyer it's never too late to get the justice you deserve. Everyone starts off at RGIS as an auditor so how in the hell was I not entitled to anything at is is just foolish. I'm glad I left that company and when I see them in stores now I just shake my head in disbelief that I could work for a rotten company. God day to all --- and I know it has been two years since their decision but I wanted to know where my money is/was. The meek shall inherit the earth!!!!!!

  70. I also called in July of this yr and they are going to reissue my check

  71. I was notified about this case years go. Is there a web site I can go to to check for unclaimed funds?

  72. I wish I would have known about this. I worked for them for about 6 1/2 years.

  73. i'm getting fried at rgis for telling the head manager that two rgis people were smoking (weed)in the company van . now i'm getting fried over it for telling someone

  74. I remember i filed the claim took forever before it finally settled. i never recieved a check :(

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