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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Overtime Lawsuit, FLSA, and RGIS

In 1997, a class lawsuit was filed against RGIS for alleged violation of overtime, minimum wages, etc. by former and current employees of RGIS. According to the Plaintiff's website website,

"Several lawsuits have been filed against RGIS Inventory Specialists (RGIS) alleging that RGIS violates overtime and minimum wage laws. RGIS claims to be the largest provider of retail inventory services to the retail industry. The lawsuits, charge RGIS with violating the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the laws of several states for failure to properly pay all wages and overtime compensation."

There have been changes on policies regarding overtime, clocking in and clocking out, giving breaks and meals, etc. Company policies have been introduced and many have been modified in response to the lawsuits against the company. Some said that it is a positive step towards a better company.
  • My District has disseminated newly approved guidelines on giving of breaks, meals, travels, etc.
  • Timesheets have been meticuoulsly verified and documented properly with the Supervisor's signature on the second copy. Any changes to the timesheet has been also documented and printed when submitting the packet to the local office.
  • Any time sheet violation won't be accepted. Any report being turned in which may violate the approved guidelines will have to be redone. If an Auditor, driver, supervisor who missed any break, meal, or travel will be hunted down, and fill up and sign the necessary forms for completion.
  • 908's are now being implemented. This form summarizes any non-inventory hours that a supervisor may have spent such as PIV time, Pick up/Drop off equipment, home set up of equipment, office hours, trainings, RGIS-related activities, and any activity that is compensable according to FLSA rules. These hours will be paid based on the individual's hourly rate and NOT based on the state's minimum prevailing wage.
It is a good thing that RGIS was responding positively and that the company becomes conscious in upgrading its policies. While many see these changes as real, most RGIS hourly employees are doubtful if they have any effect for the company in the long run.

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